Sacred Sites Preservation Project Welcomes You
"Together we will make a difference"
At Sacred Sites Preservation Project we are raising funds to preserve and protect sacred sites. Sacred sites demand particular attention, and their conservation and preservation requires special treatment and sensitivity. Sacred sites are widely considered to be different from other archaeological sites and cultural heritage in that they represent and they are infused with sacred and spiritual values. We believe in taking action with urgency to educate and to raise public awareness that sacred sites must be protected and preserved. Please join us by supporting our efforts to make a measurable cultural and significant difference in the lives of first nation's people.
Who We Are
Our Roots
Here at Sacred Sites Preservation Project, we know that sometimes all it takes to change the world is a little support. Since our founding mid 2020, we have been determined to make an impact. The core of our efforts is to bring our team’s dedication and passion to the range of activities we’re involved in. Through all of our endeavours we hope to display the conviction behind our beliefs and believe we will make a difference by networking and delivering transparency.
Injinoo Lookout Sacred Site Cape York Australia
Sacred Site and Cemetry fencing serves both practical and aesthetic purposes. It defines the boundaries of a formal cemetery or a family plot. It keeps animals out, protecting graves and headstones from cattle and wild animals and vehicles also, as a sign of respect to loved ones buried there.
First Step Site Established
Through our Capacity Building program, we have the potential to make real and positive change. This is one of our key areas of focus here at Sacred Sites Preservation Project, and a source of much success for our Non-Profit Organisation.
Preserving Culture
Aboriginal burials have a particular significance for Aboriginal people today and provide important physical and spiritual connections with the land, culture and their past. The places where the dead are laid to rest have always been important to humans.
Burials provide an important link to the ancestral past, for they are physical evidence of a set of spiritual beliefs that lasted many thousands of years.
Burials also provide us with valuable information about past Aboriginal ways of life, including diet, health, population, economy and social structures.
Sacred Sites Preservation Project is dedicated protecting and preserving this Sacred Site with the help of Gudang Yadhaykenu Tribal Governing Council, this site will be a place where everyone can come and pay their respects. We will keep you all updated.
Current Sacred Site
Memorial Plaque for Pulu (Somerset) Traditional Owners
This plaque is a sad reminder of the atrocities of our past and still to this very day, which is why we fight for human rights and social justice and strive to protect and preserve our culture and sacred sites and give them the RESPECT they deserves.
Bringing Change
Pulu (Somerset) Ancestral Gravesite
Preserving and protecting sacred sites
With this initiative, our goal is to re-build the cemetery grounds and make a parklands where everyone can, grieve, celebrate and respect our ancestors that have passed before us and finally lay them to rest in a beautiful setting in the land that belongs to them. We aim to make it fully PWD accessible with CCTV security and add a new cultural centre and facilities as well as fencing around the site. With the right resources and support we believe anything is possible. So please if you would like to know more about this and other projects and feel you could contribute get in touch with our team today.
Preservation and protection of our sea's
Reinforcing our Commitment
With our organisation’s mission always in mind, preservation of our sea boundaries is something that we take very seriously, It has cultural and spiritual values, it also has been a food source for tens of thousands of years and needs protection and our team is working each and every day to make a positive impact. Contact us to learn more about our commitment to this cause.
Community Interaction
Helping The Community
With this initiative, our goal is to promote better understanding and legalities of sacred sites on country. With access to the right resources, people can become empowered by their own abilities to record sacred sites and protect them and also gain the confidence to achieve their potential. Learn more about our work by getting in touch with our team today.
Key People
Pure Professionalism
Bryan Wymarra
Allen J Buck
Alex Wymarra
"We are very proud to represent Sacred Sites Preservation Project"
Directors Alex Wymarra and AJ Buck
with respected Elders.
( Left to Right )
Alex Wymarra, Uncle "Easter" Young, Uncle George Pausa, AJ Buck, Uncle "Shorty" Lifu
"We can change the world, it is in your hands to make a difference"
Nelson Mandela
Contact Sacred Sites Preservation Project
135 Grafton Street Cairns 4870, Queensland Australia